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The Crucial Role of Usability Testing
Jose Menendez Jose Menendez

The Crucial Role of Usability Testing

In today’s ever-changing environment, one thing remains constant among brands: their need to put their customers first. As communication increasingly shifts to digital platforms, such as websites and mobile apps, it has become increasingly important for marketers to understand the evolving needs of their customers in these digital environments.

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Artificial vs. Human Intelligence? Both
Jose Menendez Jose Menendez

Artificial vs. Human Intelligence? Both

If you are in the Marketing & Advertising world, or in most industries really, you’re probably receiving at least a weekly alert about the latest in Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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Buscan modelos de más de sesenta años
Jose Menendez Jose Menendez

Buscan modelos de más de sesenta años

Con el objetivo de significar la relevancia del mercadeo y ventas en el segmento de adultos mayores, Lopito, Ileana & Howie, Inc. reunió a un grupo selecto de líderes de mercadeo del país para presentar datos actualizados de la conocida economía plateada en Puerto Rico y presentar el Classic Model Search 2023, un evento dirigido al sector de adultos mayores que se celebrará el próximo año en la Isla.

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NFTs, Bad Bunny, and your brand
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

NFTs, Bad Bunny, and your brand

NFT has become a buzzword, and “dropping” one —making it public and accessible to be obtained for money or free— has become a sign that you, as an individual or as a brand, are dope, GOAT (Greatest of All Time), gucci (hip, going well), or lit (amazing).

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Digital project estimation: The dark art
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Digital project estimation: The dark art

It’s been said that most clients will accept a 25% to 50% variance between an estimate and the actual cost of their project. However, in the software industry, project estimates have been shown to be off by a factor of 4. So, a single project can take up to 4 times more (or less) than its original estimate. Why is that?

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TikTok Marketing 101
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

TikTok Marketing 101

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms, gaining over a billion users worldwide since it merged with Musical.ly. Users spend more than 14 hours per month on the app. As consumers are drawn to its appealing features, brands have leveraged the opportunity of this cost-effective solution.

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