From Likes to Loyalty: Embracing social media’s evolution in defining your strategy

From Likes to Loyalty

Social media has always been about connecting people on a wider scale via a virtual world. When brands first started inserting themselves into social media it was about intercepting and becoming a part of this space where their audience was digitally “hanging out”.

Before the rise of influencers and heavy Photoshop, social media used to be a fun way of escaping the real world to connect in this new digital world. Now we’ve transitioned from this virtual space we want to explore, to one in which we live and constantly want to expand. With this expansion, both brands and people started inserting themselves into social media, and various platforms like Instagram and Twitter quickly became massive favorites.

Thus began the rise of social media as the marketing tool that we know today. Influencers started popping up, blogging and video blogging became the new “in thing” to do, follower count now mattered, and brands had to reshape the way they speak to their consumers because they could no longer be oblivious to this developing universe.

As social platforms established themselves as an inescapable marketing medium, consumers underwent significant changes of their own. Now, consumers care about a brand’s values, beyond the monetary kind. Consumers want brands to become human in every way they operate and act. Instead of being seen as a cold and stiff brand, consumers want a warm and human touch from them. Now more than ever it matters how brands talk to their consumers and how they lead the conversation. Brands are no longer faceless; they are allies, educators, connectors, and friends.

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating content for your brand’s social media page that’ll help your brand better connect to its audience.

I.               People, not just products, will win over consumers.

a.     When it comes to selling your product, it’s not about showing it off. It’s about the emotional reaction you want the consumer to have towards that product.  

b.    Consumers want to see content that humanizes an otherwise faceless brand.

c.     Consumers are increasingly interested in learning about the humans who make up their favorite organizations.


II.             Employees are a brand’s best advocates.

Using employees as influencers is a great way to show a behind-the-scenes point of view of the company culture and humanize the brand even further. This incites trust and generates positive brand exposure because it makes brand messaging more interesting and relatable to consumers.


III.           Take time to listen to what people are saying online.

a.     People want to feel like brands understand them and their everyday struggles, and a brand that swoops in to take the pressure off becomes the consumer’s superhero friend.

b.    Listening to your audience and interacting with them to create a bigger connection is what fosters the feeling of being a caring friend who will listen and pay attention to their needs.

Nowadays people are more conscious about the type of brand they support. If a consumer feels too disconnected from a brand because it’s too cold and unrelatable, they will likely switch to a brand that does resonate with them.

Social media is here to stay as a marketing medium and brands would be well advised to take advantage of it to further their marketing goals. It’s an unbeatable way to reach your target market as it offers excellent segmentation capabilities. It’s also a great tool to humanize your brand and put your brand values front and center.  

If you are interested in embracing your social voice & discussing how we can help with your social media strategy, please contact us.


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