Beyond Reach: Why Multiplatform Synergy is the Future of Brand Expansion (and How to Leverage it Today)

When I received the invitation to attend Google Week Argentina, my heart leaped with excitement. It would be my first time attending one and I would be immersing myself in first-hand information, networking with industry leaders, and exploring the vibrant culture of Buenos Aires. Sign me up! Shortly after, reality hit me: my son had just turned 7 months old and the thought of leaving him for three whole days felt like an eternity. The guilt tugged at me, whispering doubts about my priorities. Yet, the chance to learn new techniques, to push myself beyond my comfort zone, and to contribute my voice to such a prestigious event was something I could not pass up.

 At Google Week, I was given the opportunity to present a case study for how we at Lopito, Ileana & Howie achieve incremental reach within our regular buys. The objective of this strategy is to expand brand presence and increase reach while maintaining optimal costs. We know the population is migrating across different platforms and therefore looked for alternatives to follow our audiences in a way that complements our buys. Our recommendation is a unified strategy that follows the user, whose digital content consumption keeps growing, via a multiplatform strategy.

 In terms of video, we include YouTube to our offline efforts and have been able to achieve 34% incremental reach with a 20% reduction in investment for the format. This also allowed us to reduce our cost per point by 81%. In addition to YouTube, we also include Connected TV (CTV), which allows us to implement an integrated reach to our media buys, adding another strategic layer. This lets us expand our audience beyond one channel, increase reach, and increase brand awareness. So, why is this so important? First, I will explain the benefits of each media outlet on its own to better appreciate why they work better together.

 In October 2023, Horoma3 held a media summit where they presented that television continues to be an important media outlet in Puerto Rico versus other markets. Nielsen reported that 98% of Puerto Rican homes have a television with access to an antenna, 79% of people trust offline advertising on television, and 63% of adults 18-54 years old and 90% of adults 55+ years old are watching TV. However, increasing reach on TV is extremely costly and could get to the point of diminishing returns, which is when the cost is no longer justified by the increased audience. Therefore, in Puerto Rico television has a massive reach, high impact, and local programming that engages different age groups.

In YouTube’s case, benefits include targeted engagement, interactive formats, and lower costs. This allows us to engage a younger audience that migrates to different platforms for their content. Finally, Connected TV comes into the mix providing a combination of the previously mentioned benefits. It blends the reach and influence of television with the targeting capabilities of YouTube. This outlet has an increasingly growing audience in Puerto Rico.

Television, YouTube, and Connected TV complement each other by broadening reach and targeting specific segments within the video format. This approach reinforces the message in different outlets, which increases frequency and retention. It also allows us to use digital insights from YouTube and CTV campaigns to optimize our TV placements. 

So, remember that as audiences continue to consume content on multiple screens and expand their use of media outlets, brands need to break down boundaries and embrace a multiplatform synergy (it doesn’t have to be only video). If you are interested in unleashing the full potential of your brand in this multiplatform world, please contact us.



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