Cannes Lions 2024: Emotions and Advertising, The Secret Formula for Success

What is Cannes Lions if not the perfect excuse to head to France, sip cocktails, and learn everything anew? When we talk about brand experiences, we are not referring to something as simple as a pretty logo or a catchy slogan. We are talking about creating moments that make consumers laugh, cry, or even scratch their heads wondering what on earth just happened. In other words, we are talking about emotions. And unless you are a robot (and with the number of bots today, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were), emotions are what truly drive the world.

The Power of a Good Laugh

Have you ever seen an ad campaign that made you laugh out loud? That laughter not only made you feel good at the moment but also created a positive connection with the brand. Take, for example, the “Aldidas” campaign by Aldi. A simple play on words that is not only hilarious but also shows the brand’s ability to not take itself too seriously. This fun brand experience not only grabbed attention but also strengthened the perception of the brand as accessible and friendly.

Tears of Joy and Sadness

Brand experiences don’t always have to be funny to be effective. Sometimes, campaigns that touch on serious and emotional themes can be the most powerful. A perfect example of this is Apple’s “The Invincibles” campaign, which features the story of a dog with a prosthetic leg. This heartwarming story not only showcases Apple’s innovation but also creates a deep emotional bond with the viewers. Tears (of joy or sadness) can make a brand feel more human and approachable.

Surprise in Real Time

Then there are the campaigns that leave us scratching our heads. Who can forget the Coors Light ad “Coors Lights Out” that literally turned off halfway through? This unexpected experience not only caught attention but also generated a ton of conversation on social media. Surprise and intrigue can be powerful tools for capturing attention and keeping consumers engaged.

Trust and Loyalty

Finally, a positive brand experience can generate trust and loyalty. Take Oreo’s “Trust The Twist” as an example. This campaign not only introduced a fun new behavior but also reinforced trust in the brand. When consumers have positive experiences with a brand, they are more likely to trust it and remain loyal over time. 

What all these experiences have in common is their ability to connect with consumers on a human level. In a world where technology and automation are everywhere, emotions are what truly set us apart. Brands that can create genuine emotional experiences are the ones that truly stand out.

At the end of the day, brand experiences are like life itself: full of moments of laughter, tears, surprise, and nostalgia. And just like in life, it’s the combination of these emotions that truly creates a lasting connection. So, the next time you’re planning a marketing campaign, remember it’s not just about selling a product. It’s about creating an experience that resonates emotionally with your consumers. Because, as Anselmo Ramos said, in the middle of life, there’s brand experience and that’s where the magic happens.

If you need help creating lasting connections with your brand, contact us.


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