Connected TV is opening a new world of possibilities for Advertisers

As all of us know, consumer behavior keeps changing. They expect to have an omnichannel experience, which means that they look forward to a seamless integration of branding, messaging, and online/offline outlets enabling a more impactful experience. This approach connects the brand through all touchpoints so that the customer needs to make a minimum effort, and all interactions are informed by previous encounters.

You may be asking, why are we talking about the omnichannel approach when the title of the article is about Connected TV? Well, while the consumer changes, our way of looking at media outlets also needs to evolve. We can’t keep seeing them as separate entities. At LIH, we look at media through holistic lenses.

It is imperative to analyze the consumption of video as a whole; one media format across devices with a combined reach versus independent media outlets. Bringing together the power of video with the precision of digital targeting, Connected TV (CTV) is opening up TV advertising to a new world of possibilities for advertisers. By definition, Connected TV is the streaming of content through apps, either on a Smart TV or through OTT devices, and can help reach a large audience. Puerto Rican inventory of streaming devices is divided by Smart TV’s (2MM), Video Game Consoles (500k), Blue Ray Players (100k) & streaming Video Players (1.2MM).

According to Nielsen US, in August 2022 streaming claimed 35% of total TV usage, but audience engagement across platforms fluctuates depending on where the content is. And if we look at television impact in Puerto Rico, according to Scarborough’s recent data, broadcast television accounts for 79%, while streaming and cable are at 65% and 23% respectively.

Connected TV has many benefits and among them is precise audience targeting. It can act as a bridge between the two worlds of linear TV and digital advertising. Another benefit is that it allows us to add retargeting and dynamic creative optimization through cross-device campaigns. This type of advertising works even better as part of a larger media mix, including local TV, where we combine all types of content to reach the correct audience.

CTV provides an opportunity for advertisers to capture audiences through storytelling, particularly transmedia storytelling. This is where the story is told across multiple media platforms and each screen makes a unique contribution to the story. Whether it’s different ads to capture attention or a whole story that is broken down into coherent ads, this allows advertisers to reach audiences no matter where they are consuming media. It also increases our possibilities of being relevant and memorable, while capturing attention in a world full of clutter.

For more information about how Lopito, Ileana & Howie can help with your Connected TV strategy, please contact us.


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