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A cookie-less world
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

A cookie-less world

By eliminating third-party cookies, it will be difficult for advertisers to make more precise digital buying and track the consumer journey. This will therefore lead to buying and optimization processes being disrupted, especially for performance-oriented campaigns and custom audiences.

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Entertainment with a social conscience
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Entertainment with a social conscience

The fact that Lopito, Ileana & Howie was there, at Cúspide, on the evening of September 2, is no news. What makes this year different is that this was the first ever big win for us or any agency with something that's not an ad, not even a campaign, but instead just pure entertainment content. In short: we made a movie and the movie won.

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Navigating cancel culture: A case study
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Navigating cancel culture: A case study

Existing in the time of “cancel culture” can be very tricky for a brand. They tell you to simply do the right thing and you’ll be fine, but “the right thing” varies according to your audience’s beliefs. In this case study, we explore the cancel culture phenomenon and present suggestions to help brands navigate a potential cancellation.

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La reinvención de los eventos
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

La reinvención de los eventos

De momentos retantes nacen nuevas oportunidades. De igual manera, los eventos se han reinventado para adaptarse a nuevas necesidades, uniendo los mundos presenciales y virtuales.

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Data: Accountability starts from the inside out
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Data: Accountability starts from the inside out

Are you using your data to make correct and timely decisions? Are you using all available data? Many quantifiable factors are currently available and can add layers of color to your internal data.

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What is ESG and why is it your brand’s future?
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

What is ESG and why is it your brand’s future?

Social, environmental, and effective governance commitment is an essential part of any brand’s strategy. These principles are linked to the development of a brand's identity and its acceptance or rejection by consumers and stakeholders.

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¿Qué es ESG y por qué es el futuro de tu marca?
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

¿Qué es ESG y por qué es el futuro de tu marca?

El compromiso social, ambiental y de gobernanza efectiva es parte esencial de toda estrategia de marca. Dichos principios están vinculados al desarrollo de la identidad de una marca y la aceptación o rechazo que tiene por parte de los consumidores y los stakeholders.

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A social media & influencer strategy in 9 easy steps
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

A social media & influencer strategy in 9 easy steps

Every day, social media becomes more valuable. It is an essential ingredient of all marketing schemes. The trick is to know how it works and understand how to use it in favor of your brand.

Here are the 9 essential steps to build an effective Social Media plan, including influencers.

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Pedaling during a pandemic
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Pedaling during a pandemic

To further mark the anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown and the effect it has had on us all, the three newest members of the LIH family took on the task of gathering insights from our employees’ personal pandemic experiences and outlooks about the future.

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Pedaleando con pandemia
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Pedaleando con pandemia

Para marcar aún más el aniversario del COVID-19 “lockdown” y el efecto que ha tenido en todos nosotros, las tres integrantes más recientes a la familia de LIH asumieron la tarea de explorar las experiencias personales y actitudes sobre el futuro de nuestros empleados.

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One year since the lockdown
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

One year since the lockdown

LIH explores how a year of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic has affected consumer behaviors and mindsets. We know that it changed lives across the globe, impacting how we work, interact, shop, and behave. But are these changes temporary or here to stay?

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El poder de la inconsciencia y el Neuromarketing
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

El poder de la inconsciencia y el Neuromarketing

¿Sabías que 95% de tus decisiones al día son inconscientes? Se estima que un 80% de tu actividad cerebral está en “descanso”. Y esta actividad cerebral también aplica a las decisiones de compra.

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El gaming en Puerto Rico
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

El gaming en Puerto Rico

El término gaming conjura imágenes de adolescentes en sus cuartos, a puerta cerrada, con los ojos clavados a una consola. Pero son las personas mayores de treinta y cinco años las que componen la población más numerosa de jugadores en Puerto Rico. Por eso, las marcas deben ver más allá del cliché del gamer y estar abiertos a la posibilidad de hablarle, a través del gaming, a otros grupos objetivos.

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Gaming in Puerto Rico
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Gaming in Puerto Rico

The term gaming conjures up images of young children and teenagers holed up in their rooms with eyes fixed on a console. However, it’s members of our community older than thirty-five years of age that make up the majority of gamers in Puerto Rico. That’s why brands should be open to connecting with other target groups through gaming.

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What STORY is your brand TELLING on social media?
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

What STORY is your brand TELLING on social media?

There are stories happening all around us, and that includes people, pieces of art, historic buildings, recipes, and many others. All of them have a past, present and future. It’s all part of their story. This also happens with a brand.

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Resilience in the face of COVID-19
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Resilience in the face of COVID-19

COVID-19 has had lasting after effects on people, businesses and communities. So, what’s the best next step? Is it wise to push forward and act like it never happened? That won’t necessarily address the remaining fear and uncertainty.

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Media Update: Facebook Ad Boycott
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Media Update: Facebook Ad Boycott

There has been a lot of recent coverage regarding the #StopHateforProfit boycott of Facebook by global corporations. This movement seeks to make brands pressure Facebook to remove alleged hate speech and violence on its service by stopping their ads on the platform. So far over 100 brands have joined.

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Creativity: never on lockdown
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Creativity: never on lockdown

Brands who stayed connected with consumers throughout the lockdown are now poised to reap benefits. As the country reopens, they enjoy share-of-mind and a heads up on the competition. Here are some examples of how our clients rose to address extraordinary circumstances, and how their brands never stopped being part of the conversation.

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Forecasting post-lockdown consumption
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Forecasting post-lockdown consumption

How does the Puerto Rican consumer feel about buying right now? What can brands do to encourage consumption? We asked 200 Puerto Ricans and here's what they said…

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