Entertainment with a social conscience

High marks for Lopito and a first at the Cúspide Awards

The fact that Lopito, Ileana & Howie was there, at Cúspide, on the evening of September 2, is no news. Yes, the agency has participated in Puerto Rico's creative advertising awards since its inception almost forty years ago. And yes, it has won creative awards for social responsibility campaigns before (our commitment to causes is long-standing). What makes this year different is that this was the first ever big win for us or any agency with something that's not an ad, not even a campaign, but instead just pure entertainment content. In short: we made a movie and the movie won.

"El Pato y el Burro" (The Duck and the Donkey), 12min film for the PR International Queer Film Festival

"El Pato y el Burro" (The Duck and the Donkey), 12min film for the PR International Queer Film Festival

El Pato y el Burro (The Duck and the Donkey) is a short film based on a true story that takes a refreshing approach to the difficult themes of bullying and homophobia. Humor keeps the storytelling fun and free of preachiness, while the ending's unexpected twist gives us hope that social transformation, with deep respect for diversity, is possible. The four Cúspides — Gold (Screenplay), Silver (Cinematography) and two Bronzes (for Best Use of Medium and for Audio Design)— join a long list of accolades in international festivals, including the prestigious Toronto, Prague and Osaka Film Festivals.

"Tic-Toc", 60ss film for Sociedad Americana del Cáncer

"Tic-Toc", 60ss film for Sociedad Americana del Cáncer

The agency's fifth Cúspide award went to a social responsibility campaign created to raise awareness about the importance of early detection in the fight against breast cancer. The 60 second spot titled "Tic-Toc" follows a busy woman's schedule: she barely has time for herself, let alone that mammogram that can wait. But time here can be her best ally or worst enemy. The campaign earned Lopito and its client, Sociedad Americana del Cáncer, a Silver Cúspide award.

Credits - El Pato y el Burro:
Client: Puerto Rico Queer Film Fest
Agency: Lopito, Ileana & Howie
Lead Creative: Alejandro Aguilera
Agency Producer: Chiqui Dávila
Production House: Nostrom
Director: Carlos Larrieu
DP: Alfredo Castellanos
Production House Producer: Giselle Pérez
Assistant Producer: Sergio Serrano
Hair & make-up: David Marrero
Audio: Miguel Aguayo Stu

Credits - "Tic-Toc":
Client: Sociedad Americana del Cáncer
Agency: Lopito, Ileana & Howie
Lead Creative: Alejandro Aguilera
Director: Luis Enrique Rodríguez
Producer: Juliette Lanauze
Editing: Ricardo Gómez


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