PR strategies during COVID-19

A survival kit for your brand

The cases of COVID-19 have been escalating exponentially in recent days, and with almost a month of #QuédateEnCasa and #EsteVirusLoParamosUnidos, brands have faced a great challenge to continue carrying their messages. All the people involved have been forced to create impromptu offices from their homes to be proactive during all this uncertainty.

So, under the crisis that we are experiencing, what public relations strategies could you implement for your brand at this moment in history?

1. Maximize your impact. Remember that public relations is about more than just strengthening relationships with the media. A good PR strategy can help your brand develop great quality content for every platform they’re in, using other resources such as influencers, e-blasts, brand ambassadors, editorials, and so on.

2. Angle is everything. News have gone from the spread of COVID-19 to advice on how to survive it. We love storytelling, but how do you tell a compelling story about a topic that’s already everywhere? The trick lies in finding a fresh perspective. Make your story relevant, yet different.

3. Sensibility in the Media Pitch. Use judgment on how you approach the different media channels and read your message twice before pressing the send button. Avoid any headline that sounds like you want to take advantage of this catastrophe. Strategic rule #1: be human.

4. An optimistic message. This too shall pass, and there is always room for hope. Share the good news, highlight your brand’s social responsibility, and develop positive messages with your team. Integrated communications are essential at this moment. Remember one good thing about change: it teaches you everything you need and everything you don't.

In conclusion, let’s use this time to redefine priorities and develop messages that show our empathy while strengthening our long-term reputation and connecting with our audiences.


COVID-19 situation report


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