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Gaming in Puerto Rico
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Gaming in Puerto Rico

The term gaming conjures up images of young children and teenagers holed up in their rooms with eyes fixed on a console. However, it’s members of our community older than thirty-five years of age that make up the majority of gamers in Puerto Rico. That’s why brands should be open to connecting with other target groups through gaming.

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Media Update: Facebook Ad Boycott
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Media Update: Facebook Ad Boycott

There has been a lot of recent coverage regarding the #StopHateforProfit boycott of Facebook by global corporations. This movement seeks to make brands pressure Facebook to remove alleged hate speech and violence on its service by stopping their ads on the platform. So far over 100 brands have joined.

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Creativity: never on lockdown
Josvan Perez Josvan Perez

Creativity: never on lockdown

Brands who stayed connected with consumers throughout the lockdown are now poised to reap benefits. As the country reopens, they enjoy share-of-mind and a heads up on the competition. Here are some examples of how our clients rose to address extraordinary circumstances, and how their brands never stopped being part of the conversation.

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